Bird etiquette: Beak or Bill?


Welcome to Bird Etiquette! Where I talk about whether bill and beak are interchangeable (spoiler alert: They are, but there's etiquette for that) and where to use each, respectively.

(This is my first bird etiquette, so I guess I have to explain some stuff you y'all.)

(Bird etiquette is me explaining the correct usage of bird terms, or some bird stuff in general. That's all it is, really. 😉)

(And I'll try to bump up my posting to twice a month, or more. Just because. 😉)


You might have heard people use "beak" and "bill" interchangeably. This, as far as I know, (I heard it from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology,) is alright in most circumstances. But I am a bit picky with the terms.

I have put the two images up here for a reason: They are important in bird etiquette! (AKA They are related to the "beak" and "bill" scenario.)

You might notice a hawk (red shouldered, to be exact). Typically, with birds of prey, you should use beak rather than bill. (But Cornell Lab of Ornithology says that either is ok. So if you mess up, it isn't the end of the world. Don't worry about it too much.)

And the other image is a hummingbird. (Ruby-throated, at your service.) Hummingbirds have a bill. (And although Cornell Lab of Ornithology says that both are interchangeable, the preferred choice is bill, over beak.)

In any other case, though, I will happily take either one. 😀

But one last note - please try to use one over the other, and not interchange between them. So, guys and gals, pick a term - beak or bill - and stick with it, please.

That's all that I have to say about the beaks and bills of birds. If I come over any other problem areas with this, I'll notify y'all. Thank you!

Comments are appreciated


  1. This was interesting! I probably could have guessed there was a difference in between the two terms, and I definitely should've known what that difference was, after taking College Biology, but I didn't, alas. So yeah. Thanks for enlightening us. ;) God bless, Faramir!

    1. Ah, thank you! Just a little information I picked up over the 10 months since I started birding. And, of course, off the internet, too. ;)

      God bless you too!



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